Before I go any farther, let me explain the "A.D." that I often put before the number of the year. It's abbreviation/acronym for the Latin anno domini, meaning "in the year of our Lord." Centuries ago Western history got divided into two, with the singling out of a unique event, into pre- and post-event. (Arab followers of Mohammed do the same thing with the year of his flight from Mecca, and ancient Romans dated things from the founding of their city.) Years were signified by B.C. ("Before Christ") or A.D. accoring to whether they occurred prior to or following the birth of Jesus Christ. Even tho' the cleric who determined the exact year of the Savior's birth erred by at least four years the enumeration remains unchanged.
Can you imagine what it would be like to go back and change all written references to the independence of these United States, to 1780 or 1782?
So, now you'll know why, next time you see a building with a cornerstone inscribed with A.D. and a year.
And so. . . this year of 2011 comes to an end tomorrow, 31 December. As I look back on this year immediately I consider three outstanding events which occurred and which bode well for 2012.
First, after being fired from a job that was almost exactly the work I'd done with delight in the same location years before (partly due to being late to clock in and partly due to stupid mistakes on my part), I got another chance. A friend and fellow church member in Nashville alerted me to a job opening at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. I applied, got interviewed, got called in for a second interview - and got hired! My new employment commenced on 1 July, as receptionist-security.
And I have delighted in every work day since!
The call for the first interview came just a few days after another prominent event. After two and a half years of residing in Nashville, aka Music City USA, I chose to move to Clarksville, where I have family. Then, after a temporary lodging in a military vets home, I moved into a real HOUSE and began paying rent!
This move to Clarksville is, naturally, the reason I began this blog, my third so far.
And the third very notable event was the birth of my grandson at Clarksville's Gateway Medical Center. Yes, on 5 October in the Year of Our Lord 2011, my daughter Sarah brought Andrew Connor Clark into this world, her and hubby Doyle's first! Little Andrew has the most endearing smile I've seen on a newborn (well, he is now almost 3 months old) and I delight in every opportunity I get to be with him. And with the rest of the family!
These three very welcome events of 2011 are setting the stage for a sweet 2012 for yours truly. I'm looking forward to the new year with greater anticipation and eagerness than I have in a long time, if ever!
May you, dear reader, have as happy and memorable A.D. 2012 as I await!
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