Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Savory Sunday! Church, then Family!

This past Sunday, day before yesterday or 19 June A.D. 2011, was Fathers Day. It turned into a gr-r-r-reat holiday for yours truly!

In the morning I was given a ride to Gateway Christian Church by old friends and now neighbors Ron and Judy. GCC is a rather young and thriving congregation, on the north side of IH 24 near Exit 11. They are an Independent Christian Church congregation, which means they share much with the Disciples of Christ (denomination in which I was ordained and endorsed to be Army chaplain). Including celebrating the Lord's Supper in every worship service!

GCC's worship this day was led by a Chaplain who's a member of and has just returned with the 101st from Afghanistan. I should mention that the Sunday had been declared a day for churches to recognize and honor members of the returning 101st Airborne Division. After introductory advice on how to handle any incident of anxiety or combat flashback, Corey Arnold conducted the service just like services he conducted at FOB Bostick in A-stan. He preached a very uplifting expository sermon on I Thessalonians 5:16-18, about the three constants therein: always rejoice, always pray and always be thankful.

After worship Gateway held a potluck dinner, and I got to sit at table with Chaplain Arnold. The active chappy and this former chappy had lively conversation wwe dined on the delicious selection of food.

Then it was off to see the family -- and more "fine" dining! Indeed, daughter Sarah Beth made the pasta sauce -- according to handed-down family secret recipe. She did just about as well as her half-Italian mama! For dessert I provided some watermelon wedges left at the end of the Gateway CC potluck.

A much better dessert was watching Facebook videos which wife Ellen brought up on her computer terminal, of our year-old granddaughter Theresa. Our son David took these, and all were delightful. However, the very best was of the fourteen-month-old little girl sitting in an overstuffed chair singing to and rocking an overstuffed animal. Aaawwwww!!!

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